Abu Hanifa ( ابو حنيفه ) or the name of his truth Nukman bin Thabit ( نعمان ن ثابت ) was born on 80 Hijra 699 Masihi simultaneously in a village called Anbar in Kufa , Iraq when the reign of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan . He comes from the Parsi descent and is a well-known Islamic scholars Hanafi mengasaskan . His title as " Abu Hanifa " He was always bringing you indulge taken dakwat where his sake only going to record the knowledge sought . He also got the title of Abu Hanifa you indulge have a son named Hanifa Hanifa and also intends tend religion .

 He is well known for its assistance to the likes menghulurkan sake only Anybody who needed her help and diligently sought and have high ideals in life . He also had great respect for the teachers sehinggakan often give gifts to the teachers and the teachers who teach their children . He never dipujuk by the caliph to hold office in the kingdom but rejected his deep waver used by the caliph himself . He died in 150 Hijra 767 concurrent Masihi in prison when he was 70 years old and was buried in Baghdad . His sect spread in Islamic countries and influence in Iraq . Additionally , this school is also a school of Rasmi royal and colonial conquest Uthmaniyah like Egypt , Lubnan , and Syria .